Curious to know what happens behind the scenes of Bean Ninjas Product Launches?
In this 5-part working episode of the Bean Ninjas Podcast, Anfernee Chansamooth and Michael Wark share the stage to talk about handling and working on their latest projects at Bean Ninjas. Anf is the Learning and Community Lead for Bean Ninjas Education and Michael is the Financial Coach and Profit First Consultant for Bean Ninjas Money Mindset.
This is an interesting episode as we get a peek on what’s currently happening at Bean Ninjas and the exciting things we can look forward to in the next couple of months.
In this episode, we discuss:
[01:02] Reasons why Bean Ninjas is doing a 5-part working series for 2020.
[02:38] Michael working on Bean Ninjas Money Mindset.
[03:16] Launching the first product of the Bean Ninjas Money Mindset – Profit First.
[04:08] Anf shares about building Bean Ninjas Education and the 2 courses we are launching in June.
[05:24] The difference between working for Bean Ninjas and starting a business from scratch.
[08:58] Michael’s goals and deliverables moving forward. [10:00] Michael shares what blueprint and implementation sessions look like.
[11:34] Types of businesses that can take advantage of the sessions offered by Bean Ninjas.
[12:08] Anf’s current and future goals and deliverables.
[15:24] Finding partners with the right audience.
[16:50] Key challenges that Michael has experienced.
[18:35] Big challenges in Anf’s education role.
[20:27] How Michael decides what to spend time on in the business.
[22:57] What Anf spends his time on at the moment.
[25:46] Michaels experience working on a landing page.
Finding Product Market Fit Week 1 – Behind the Scenes of 2 Product Launches
Announcer Welcome to the Bean Ninjas Podcast, where you get an all-access pass to see what happens behind the closed doors of a fast-growing global bookkeeping and financial reporting business.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So we are here. First of all, let’s introduce ourselves. So, I’m Anfernee Chansamooth.
Michael Wark:
And I’m Michael Wark.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And Michael, what’s your role, currently, at Bean Ninjas?
Michael Wark:
I’m a Financial Coach at Bean Ninjas and a Profit First Consultant.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
And yourself?
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And I am the Learning and Community Lead for Bean Ninjas Education. And you’re working on Money Mindset.
Michael Wark:
Yes, yes. Rolling out a new business unit in Bean NInjas called Bean Ninjas Money Mindset.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Okay. Right. So we’re going to dig a bit more into that. Now, we are recording a 5-part Working in Public Series for 2020. And let’s talk about why we’re doing this. So, Mike, what are some of the reasons we’re sort of doing this series?
Michael Wark:
So I think the reason why we’re going public with it is to provide the ultimate level of accountability; both holding each other to it, as well as the public so they can learn from our journey as we voice this new unit. And hopefully, maybe learn from some of the challenges and issues we face, and yeah, get some value from it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Love it. And yeah, this is like a series we actually did in 2019. So, Meryl and Wayne Richard, they got together and we did two product launches. They did a simultaneous for a product launch and that’s been documented over a 5-part series. And so, that’s going to be linked in the show notes if you’re going to check that out.
But there was a lot of positive feedback that came from that because other people who were following it were saying, “That’s really cool that you kind of opened the curtains a bit and let people see behind the scenes of what is happening inside the business.”
Because often, we see what’s the polished product at the end of it but not so much the challenges and the goals and the metrics and those sort of things. And that I think for anyone working in a start-up or trying to grow a business, that level of detail is quite important. What do you reckon?
Michael Wark:
Absolutely. Absolutely. The devil is in the detail. For sure.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
For sure. And we just enjoy; one of our sort of key values is always growing. And so, this is a big part of that. We want to share what we’re learning and it’s not always wins. We have the right challenges and struggles and we’re going to go through some of that as well.
Okay. So now, Michael, what are you actually working on right now and why?
Michael Wark:
So I guess right now, I’m working on getting Bean Ninjas Money Mindset an online presence. That’s the top priority is getting up our service offering to the world wide web to let people know what we’re doing.
And it’s the beginning of this business unit. So it’s formulating what our offering is and letting our current clients as well as new clients know what we’re doing. So there’s a whole bunch of stuff that we’re growing up as part of that and I’ll talk through the deliverables maybe in coming up.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Cool. So what are, for Bean Ninjas Money Mindset, what’s kind of the first product, if you will that you’re actually putting out there?
Michael Wark:
So we’re helping people with implementing Profit First, which is an awesome cash flow blueprint system based on a book called Profit First, by the same name. This is something that our clients have been asking for and people have really been demanding.
So it was the no-brainer first product that we want to launch. So it’s helping people get this implemented in their business and then offering a six-month program to help them set the first goals, but then also, move along and delve into some of the more advanced techniques with it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
That’s cool. So I know you’ve recorded a whole episode with Meryl about the launch of your business unit and the product. So if you want to learn more about that, go and check that one out. And Michael has also published a couple of blog posts on our blog, which goes into specifics around the implementation product and what Profit First is.
Michael Wark:
What are you working on, Anf?
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Well, I’m sort of tied to the Profit First. The validation of that kind of came from the courses that we launched last year. We launched a couple of Xero online courses or membership programs.
And I’m working on building Bean Ninjas Education, which is also a new business unit for Bean Ninjas. And the first two products that we’re developing are a Xero Bookkeeping Course and also a Financial Literacy Course, which we’re calling Know Your Numbers and that’s coming out in June.
So they’re kind of the two things, and really just, we know it’s validated because we did the validation last year with a couple of pilots that we’d run with existing Bean Ninjas clients and new people to Bean Ninjas. And now, we’re looking at how do we actually grow this as a completely different business unit as education. So I’m driving that right now.
Michael Wark:
Awesome. And I think it’s great we’re doing this podcast together because we’re both moving in a similar direction, which is trying to add value to people’s businesses and educate them and really try and offer a whole bunch of knowledge to help them level up and not just move away from straight compliance work, which is what a lot of accounting historically was. And yeah, I think it’s awesome and exciting we’re doing this.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
100%. Alright. So now, how is this different from actually starting from scratch because we kind of both mentioned that these businesses that we’re developing are coming from Bean Ninjas, which is a brand, which has been around; the business has been around – it’s going to hit its fifth year very shortly.
So how is it different from you doing your own start-up or freelancing or me doing my own thing? What are your thoughts around that?
Michael Wark:
I mean, the biggest difference for me is that I still get to be in the Bean Ninjas team and be part of our network and still have all those relationships we’ve developed. And that’s what I really value about working with Bean Ninjas and also our clients that I’ve worked with for years and years as well.
And it’s, I mean, for us, I think it’s a rolling start. You hit the ground running and you’ve kind of, instead of having to get an online web presence, it’s just building out a landing page. And so, it really gives us a bit of a fast forward in those early initial stages of the business, and hopefully, get it up and running a little bit quicker.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. So I agree with that. I think having both had our own sort of side hustles and businesses before even joining Bean Ninjas, it take a good two or three years to really get a client base, to get your name out, to get people to know what you do.
In a start-up world, we call that product-market fit and Bean Ninjas has already been from that journey, right? So we’re literally coming in going, “Well, we’ve already been part team members involved in the team for a number of years now.”
And so now, we’re leveraging that asset, if you will, to grow something, which is, it’s not new in a sense that we’ve already identified with existing clients that this is what they want, right? And so, that’s kind of a big plus for us doing these projects.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And I think another, you mentioned; so what about the role of support of the Bean Ninjas team and the CEO and different people in sort of helping you guide the path that you’re going through with launching?
Michael Wark:
It’s been a huge help. So Meryl has stepped into a kind of a mentor role for me as I’m launching this and helps keep me on track with what the real big important goals are and not getting lost. I think starting in new business has so many shiny objects you can chase, especially in the online world of where you want to go with all types of tricks.
So it’s good that she’s keeping me accountable and also keeping me on track with what the really important stuff is to get moving at this stage. But it’s relying on the knowledge within our group. We’ve got, obviously, Wayne is another part of Bean Ninjas. He’s a great source of knowledge.
You’re great as well with marketing. I’m asking you a million questions for the past few weeks. So we’ve got a really awesome team within here. So it’s kind of, it’s amazing to be able to use that network on a daily basis.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. I want to give a shout to Fiona Fenton, too, who’s our product [Inaudible 00:08;13]. She’s a superwoman. [Crosstalk 00:08:15]. She’s Operations Manager. She does everything else. Because Fiona actually helped me set up a few of the gap that I’ve had because I’m not strong; I’m not an accountant and I don’t have that training that you do and some of the other team members.
But Fiona really helped me with the forecasting of Bean Ninjas Education, really putting numbers around, “Okay, what does growth look like and what are some realistic targets that we can hit?” Because it’s easy to blue-sky it and go, “Yeah, I’m going to be like a million-dollar company in the next four months.” And realistically, well, that’s not the case always.
And so, having someone to come in and go, “Okay. Well, let me help you forecast,” really helps. And I know that you can do that for yourself. But like what you said, you’re leveraging, like, for example, my strengths to help you with some of the marketing into yours.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Cool. Now, let’s talk about project deliverables. And what are some of the things you’ve been working on within the last week, but certainly, moving forward as well?
Michael Wark:
Awesome. Yeah. So I’ll list a few of this, which probably we can revisit on the next one just to see how we’re going and tracking against them.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
Big focus for me is actually just getting our online presence up. So that’s getting the landing page sorted and published, getting a couple of blog posts that I’ve written and Meryl’s also written one about launching this business, getting them live, publishing this podcast. And trying to get myself out there a little bit first thing in the online world because our passion is online businesses so that’s where we need to be present.
And then, in terms of the more detailed like week-to-week metrics, I’m trying to go to at least one in-person networking event here in Sydney. I’m trying to book at least five Profit First blueprint sessions each week. And then also, help one client with their Profit First implementation per week. So those are my big goals that I’m going to try and measure against.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Awesome. So let’s, for the uninitiated, what is a blueprint session?
Michael Wark:
So that’s a one-hour call with me where we go through a whole range of different goals and metrics for someone’s business. And it’s an opportunity for people just to be able to ask to a chartered accountant any burning questions they’ve got.
And then, also, as part of that session, we talk through the Profit First concepts and how that might help them when they’re looking at their business. So it’s not a sales call at all. It’s really trying to add value as much as possible and then show them that this is a potential solution that they could think about.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Okay. And then, the implementation; what’s that one?
Michael Wark:
That’s a more in-depth process and that runs over a number of weeks and can roll out for six months more depending on which coaching program people want. But that’s actually on the ground detail helping you measure where you’re currently sitting in terms of the Profit First world. And then, step-by-step guidance to help you roll it out and implement it and build those behaviours, build those habits to kind of get you focused on it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So is that similar to some degree to having a virtual CFO? Or is that different?
Michael Wark:
It is. I mean, you’ve got a chartered accountant at your disposal and you can ask him a million questions, yes. But it’s mainly; the spine of it is the Profit First theory because that’s something that we believe in and we have found to be really useful in; so Bean Ninjas Money Mindset is running Profit First. We know it and we think it makes a lot of sense.
I’m an accountant, but I think for small business owners, this makes a lot of sense. It’s simplified and it’s actionable and it’s easy to understand once you’re on it. So yeah, I think that should cover it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Pretty cool. Now, for some people listening to this, they might be going, “Hey Michael. That sounds really cool. But is it right for my business?” So is there an ideal business for this and is there a business that’s probably not a good fit?
Michael Wark:
It fits with all types and shapes and sizes of businesses, yeah. So it’s really diverse and the system can kind of merge depending on what you need. You can kind of bolt-on things if you need to and shrink if you need to. So it is pretty wide-ranging, to be honest, and that’s why it’s so popular. It’s one of the bestselling business books online and in the world at the moment.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yup. Shout out to Michael Michalowicz.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And I’m sure you’ll get to hang out with him soon enough. Awesome.
Michael Wark:
And what about yourself, Anf? I don’t think we’ve gone through your project deliverables. Let’s hold you accountable.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Alright. So last week, I’ve been working on a six-month Bean Ninjas education strategy and just really looking at what’s the key one strategy. So what are we doing in Q1, which we’re sort of in the middle of right now? And then, what are we going to be doing after the first course launch in March and then six months from now; sort of what are we doing? Right?
So I’ve worked through that and I’ll put a tick to that; that’s completed. But that’s always evolving so we can plan as much as we want sort of today, but things changed and priorities changed.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So over the next two weeks, I’m sure we’ll talk about that a bit more. The other thing I looked at; I’ve been working on is a pay-per-click strategy, which is basically our strategy for Facebook and Google ads.
And this is a new thing for Bean Ninjas. Like, we had tested Facebook ads several years ago and I wasn’t in the picture. It didn’t go too well. And now, we’re actually working with a consultant and also someone who’s actually implementing those campaigns for us, Brian.
And so, that’s really; like I had to get clear around, well, what are the metrics for success? How do we know, now that we’re hiring someone to do this, how do we know that we’ll actually run wins on the board, right? And then, that we’re not just wasting our money and time and all those sort of things.
The third sort of focus I’ve got is actually similar to you – building out a sales funnel, which means getting a landing page up for not only for the course that we’re selling but also for the, what’s called a lead magnet, which is a three-part video series on how to find hidden cash in Xero.
And that’s a free education video series that we’re putting out as sort of the first; it’s almost like a try-before-you-buy experience of what it’s like to work with Bean Ninjas and you’re learning from an accountant.
Meryl essentially walks you through using Xero in these videos. And then, after that, you’ll get an invitation to sign up for the course if it’s right for you. So that’s been the whole process.
And as you, being a videographer and video editor yourself, you know how time-consuming that can be and also getting the message and more of those things right.
Michael Wark:
Absolutely. That was a lot of work.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And then, the final one for me is being a part of an outreach. So you’ve been going out to networking events. For me, I’ve kind of been networking but online. So I’ve been emailing and calling people or Zoom-calling people trying to find the right partners to actually help us spread the word about what we’re doing. And I know you’ll be doing that real soon.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
But that’s something that’s been a key focus because when you’re talking about education, the best way to sell education in my experience has been to actually work with partners who align with what you’re doing. And then they can share your educational assets whether it’s blog posts, podcasts, some kind of video training course that you’re putting out.
And then finding the right partners who like; they know who we are, they trust us, they’ve worked with us before. And then, they say, “Yup. I’m happy to put that out to my audience of 2000 business owners,” or something like that. So that’s been a key focus for me.
Michael Wark:
Yeah, absolutely. And how do you find the partners with the right audience, you know? Is that a big part of this process?
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah, absolutely. So it’s sitting down and sort of brainstorming. It’s almost like if you’re going to; if you wanted to have all these partners in a room and host some kind of event and you’re going to send invitations to them, you then have to define the criteria.
And so, okay, well, who are the ideal partners, right? So for us, they’re running our online business, they’re using Xero, okay? Ideally, they already are one of our clients who have worked with us before in some capacity.
They know the brand so we’re not completely new. They’re going, “Yup. We know Bean Ninjas. We know you’re a Xero partner – Bookkeeping Partner of the Year 2019.” They also respect the work that we do in terms of educating.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And that they have an audience, and this is a key part of it; they have an audience, which fits one of our sort of buyer personas, right?
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So I’m very clear when I meet with them, “These are who our ideals clients are. And does any of your audience or clientele fit that?” And If they don’t, we’re not a fit, alright?
I’ll add one more, which is what’s your audience size? So are they just a new business starting out, really last week registered to ABN, probably not a good fit. But if they’ve been around two or three years and they’ve built some sort of recognition within their industry, then I’m going, “Okay. We can talk.”
Michael Wark:
Yup. Awesome.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Alright. So let’s move on to, now that we’ve kind of know what the priorities are and the deliverables, what are the key challenges that you’ve experienced over the last seven days?
Michael Wark:
For me, I think it’s just getting myself out there more has been a big push. Traditionally, being an accountant, you’re kind of in the books and helping people with analysis, but you don’t have to put yourself out there as much.
So I’m building my LinkedIn presence, putting videos up there, attending in-person events. I mean, a lot of chatting to people that’s why I’m getting into coaching. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hermit. But for me, finding that balance between being positive without too salesy and just trying to be genuine; I’m just trying to find that balance.
And I said to you before this call, it’s also just exhausting going through so many of that. I didn’t have a night-off last week. So it was jam-packed. So I think for me, it’s probably refining which events are the best fit and what am I trying to get out of them and trying to meet the right kind of people that it’s a mutually beneficial thing. I think it’s probably the best idea for me moving forward.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
And then, the other thing in terms of not being too salesy is actually trying to make sure that I’m offering genuine value to small business owners and trying to get that across in a meaningful way rather than some sort of slap-dash, “Here, buy this course. It’ll change your life.”
I want to feel like I’m helping people. So making sure I’d get that message across in a genuine way but also really solving problems. That’ll depend whether if I’d sink or swim; that’s the big kind of cracks of it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. And I think that intention that you have that has to be adding value at all times, so whether you’re out networking or you’re talking to clients; like that’s going to put you in a winning place because I think it all starts from intention. And you know, having gone networking, like when you meet people who don’t have that intention; how that comes across, right?
Michael Wark:
Yeah. Absolutely. And what about you? What are the big challenges in the education world?
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So for me, it’s a couple of few things. First one is transitioning from my role. So last year, I was a Marketing Coordinator for Bean Ninjas and managing a lot of things – podcasts, blog, partnerships; a lot of things.
And then now, transitioning that to becoming sort of the Learning and Community Lead and just sort of moving things off my plates, if you will, just to open the doorway and the time for me to focus on driving this business unit.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So that’s one thing. And then, project managing in the moving parts as well. So we’ve got contractors that I’m working with, we’ve got the partners that I’m trying to get into course with and also just completing priorities on different things.
And like you, it’s shiny object syndrome, “Hey, yeah. I want to be that right now. All that LinkedIn thing was cool. Let’s do that for an hour.” And all of a sudden, that hour has gone blowing up to four hours and you’re like, “Oh, crap. I’m behind. I haven’t done my sales calls.”
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. So I’m doing that. And I’m sure you’re experiencing this and would love your thoughts around it. It’s just the tug of war between like sales, right, try getting those sales numbers up, there’s building the system like getting the system in place, and then building your network because you need the people in order to sell things into, right?
Michael Wark:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. It is a challenge for us. And that’s why I mentioned Meryl has been great keeping me accountable for what the big; you know, what’s going to move the needle and making sure those are getting done first. And then, that other stuff can fall in around it.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yup. So that’s basically the role of a mentor and Mike’s making sure that you do have a mentor when you’re trying to do this. Very important. I really appreciate us having the Slack channel and rest. Us, doing daily sort of, we’re calling it daily scrum or daily update just to check-in, “These are my projects today and what are you doing?” And having that place to voice out any challenges.
Michael Wark:
Definitely. Yeah, that’s really helpful.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Cool. Alright, so now, talking about time, alright? Mike, how do you decide what to spend time on?
Michael Wark:
It’s a juggle. Like a lot we’re just talking about; trying to keep all the balls in the air on any one day. So I’ve got my big rocks, which was to get the landing page out there, get the blog posts, get my name out there a little bit.
And then the little rocks, which can fall in around those big tasks each day, which is making sure I do my direct outreach every day and keeping those things moving along as well as servicing our existing clients who have purchased the product.
So making sure that their experience is amazing because obviously, you want all of your first customers to be raving about you. So that’s something I’m really focused on as well. So, yeah. It’s a balance of all of them. But yeah, I think I’ve got it sorted.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Good on you. And you’re also studying.
Michael Wark:
Yeah, yeah. So to become, I mean, obviously, I know a lot about the Profit First already. But to become a certified Profit First professional and registered with the Australian office, which is connected to Mike and the book back in the US, you need to go through a whole bunch of training, which is hours and hours.
It’s pretty like, there’s a lot going on there. It’s really detailed and there’s a lot of content to go through. So it’s also making sure I tick along there because once I’m certified with the Australian team, I actually get leads via the Profit First website as well. So they provide leads to their certified professionals.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
So that’s going to be another source of leads for me, but I have to be qualified before I do that. So I’m pretty much there. I’ve just got a bit of sales training to do and then I’ve got to take the exam in order to get my shiny badge. So that’s another big one and I want to get it done before the end of this quarter.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
There you go. Yeah, that education piece is like we never stop learning, do we? Like as always; certify and get your knowledge up to scratch and get your practice hours in; that’s what they call it. And though I’m not doing sort of any digital or community certification per se, Mike, like I have to constantly educate.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Like, what’s trending in community management right now that I need to be aware of? You know, Facebook groups versus Slack; like where should we build our community? These questions are coming up and I need to sort of look at what’s the best practice and that’s sort of always there as well.
And we haven’t really talked about the personal lives either like outside of work. Because there’s health, managing your mind and your spirit and your body, and your partners, and your family and all these other things, right?
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
So we’re working holidays later, but I just want to make a note that that’s still happening as well.
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And for me, like moving back to Sydney and finding an apartment, right?
Michael Wark:
Stressful. But yeah, we have our ways.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
So I think we’re on to what we’re working on next week?
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Well, how about, well, I can talk about what I’m spending my time on, too.
Michael Wark:
Yeah, okay. Absolutely.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah, well a couple of things.
Michael Wark:
Well, what are you doing next week? Would you tell me? [Crosstalk 00:23:11]
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Well, let me just share. You’ve shared sort of your big rocks. Okay, for me, my big rock for 2020 is to sell 100 courses.
Michael Wark:
Wow. Okay.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And so, I’ve broken that down. Like you, I’ve got sort of smaller rocks, if you will. So the first one is the first launch here in March is to sell 20 of our midship courses. And sort of, people may or may not be aware, but you’re also our financial coach in that course. So were working closely with you to make sure we deliver an exceptional experience.
Michael Wark:
Yup. I’m excited about that.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yup. And have the right students in the room. And then, we’re also looking at working on developing and kicking off the Bean Ninjas community plan. That’s one of my sort of big rocks for this quarter.
So now, moving into what am I doing next week; key goals here – finalizing the three-part video series, getting those pages up as well as getting the drip sequence tested. So we’re using a tool called Drip for our email marketing, getting that into place, testing that before we launch the actual three-part video series, which would be on the second of March. So we’re not too far away.
And then, the sales period or the enrollment period for the course happens soon after that. So moving into the 9th and 10th of March and then we’ll kick-off the course on the 23rd of March. So these things are – they’re moving.
Michael Wark:
It’s going to keep you busy.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yes. Absolutely. How about you?
Michael Wark:
So next week, I’ll just be, I’m flying away to visit one of our clients on Wednesday over in Indonesia. So it’ll be a bit of a broken up week. But I want to try and get a new implementation that I had my first call with today. So one of our existing clients has signed on to do it. So I want to get that out the door before I head overseas.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
I want to finish some sales modules in the Profit First certification and try and narrow that part by the end of the quarter.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Michael Wark:
And then, finalize our landing page to get that up and try and make it official on the internet. Because although we’ve been doing it for the past two months, it’s not official till yet on the world wide web and showing all your wares there.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. And I just want to like, for someone listening to this and they’re going, “Oh, they’re talking so much about landing pages.” And really, the reason why we do the landing pages is because we’re kind of practising the seven-day start-up methodology if you will.
But it’s more about validating the product. And the quickest way to do it, we can spend a whole, like few months creating beautiful websites and video marketing and all these other things. But really, all you need is a quick landing page, which explains what the product is, who it’s for, what the pain points are.
And we will link to those landing pages when they’re ready. But that’s all you need to put it in the hands of people and say, “Look at this. These are right for you. Do it and get started.”
Michael Wark:
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Yeah. So what’s been your experience working on a landing page?
Michael Wark:
It’s been awesome. It’s really honed the key things that people are trying to get value out of it. Because I’ve got so much knowledge about Profit First and about how it applies to businesses and what the adaptability of it.
But when people are looking to buy a product, they need it in really simple terms and they want to know what the big value they’re getting from it. So it’s been awesome from a sales perspective in my own head to really have to drill down and simplify it into the big key takeaways. I think that’s been an awesome process.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
Cool. So, we’ll break that down in the upcoming episodes. So we’re going to wrap up here. Mike, any last words before we close the door?
Michael Wark:
No, no. If you’re listening till the end, you’re a legend. Thanks for joining us. And yeah, we’ll speak to you on the next one.
Anfernee Chansamooth:
And so, both of us are available on LinkedIn. If you want to contact us and have any questions that you want to ask about what we’re doing and the different products or businesses that we’re developing, please reach out to Mike and to myself. And we’re here to really answer questions and grow with you.
Thank you for listening and part two will be coming real soon.
Meryl Johnston:
Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of the Bean Ninjas Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to hit subscribe to receive notifications of upcoming episodes.
Wayne Richard:
We also want to give you a little thank you gift for supporting us. You can grab our free Xero Toolkit for Small Businesses. This includes our step-by-step guide to get in your Xero file in order, a cash flow forecast template to help you plan for the ups and downs in your monthly cash flow and a bookkeeping timetable template to help you stay on top of your finances and get current report.
Simply go to, enter your email and we’ll send it over to you. That’s to grab your free gift.
Meryl Johnston:
Thanks again for listening.
Work in Progress Episodes:
- Week 1 – Behind the Scenes of 2 Product Launches
- Week 2 – Identifying Customer Needs
- Week 3 – How To Generate Leads
- Week 4 – Networking Tips
- Week 5 – Product Launch Lessons