TL:DR - Overview Ecommerce business owners in the United States earn an average of $101,464 per year with a take-home pay of...
Ecommerce Metrics & Reporting
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How to calculate cost of sales
Your eCommerce business’s cost of sales, a.k.a. Cost of Goods Sold, is a critical metric to understand and monitor. Your cost of sales...
AOV vs. LTV: Which matters more for eCommerce businesses?
If you are like most eCommerce entrepreneurs we talk with, you know that measuring average order value and customer lifetime value in your...
16 Ecommerce Financial and Operational Benchmarks: How Does Your Business Stack Up?
As an eCommerce entrepreneur, you are juggling a ton of responsibilities from sales and marketing to customer service and supply chain...
A glossary of all the key eCommerce financial metrics
As you run your eCommerce business, you’ll hear a bunch of financial metrics thrown around. But do you really know what contribution margins...