Online Bookkeeping
10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Online Bookkeeper.

What would you ask an online bookkeeper before your hired them?
This was the question that we posed to several business owners while doing research for this article. We wanted to know what sort of questions and criteria they had in mind to engage a bookkeeper with the perfect fit.
While a handful of responses does not make for a conclusive sample size, the responses we did get highlighted a few interesting points. One business owner, for example, replied:
“I wouldn’t have questions. I tend to go on recommendations or work with people I’ve got a relationship with.”
Another said:
“I’d dig through friend and peer recommendations, reviews online – although you can’t always trust them – and also how they seem to handle things, like their content marketing and the like. I doubt I’d even know the questions to ask beyond ‘I need this, can you do it?’”
You don’t know what you don’t know
10 questions to help you choose an online bookkeeper
1. What is the scope of the bookkeeping work?
This may sound like a simple question, but there’s a big variation between the services that bookkeepers offer.
Your requirements will also vary depending on your own skills and the scope of the work your accountant completes. Some bookkeepers act as management accountants and can help to interpret the figures, while other bookkeepers’ skills are limited to data entry.
2. Are they registered and qualified?
You will find that some bookkeepers will have a diploma, accounting degree or may even be Chartered Accountants or CPAs. If your bookkeeper is going to be lodging your BAS in Australia then, at a minimum, your bookkeeper should be a Registered BAS agent. BAS agents are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board.
The qualification and registration requirements differ from country to country. Be sure to ask your bookkeeper what their qualifications are and whether they are registered to lodge/file sales tax in your country.