BeanCon 2019 Feedback Survey How likely would you recommend this retreat to a colleague?*012345678910Overall, how would you rate this event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Was the retreat length too long, too short, or just about right? Much too long Too long About right Too short Much too short What did you like most about the event?What did you like least about the event?How would you rate the location? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor How would you rate the accommodation? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor How would you rate the food? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor How would you rate the activities? eg. gin tour, beach, kayaking Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor How would you rate the work sessions/activities? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Which was your most favourite session? V/TO (vision) with Wayne Traction 1 - Reporting (Lauren) Traction 1 - Community (Anf) Traction 2 - Rocks (Fiona) Traction 3 - Sales (Aimee) Traction 4 - Customer Experience (Aimee) Traction 4 - Team Culture (Lauren) Day 3 - Traction 1 Meetings (Lauren) Day 3 - Traction 2 Marketing (Anf) Why was that your most favourite session?Which was your least favourite session? V/TO (vision) with Wayne Traction 1 - Reporting (Lauren) Traction 1 - Community (Anf) Traction 2 - Rocks (Fiona) Traction 3 - Sales (Aimee) Traction 4 - Customer Experience (Aimee) Traction 4 - Team Culture (Lauren) Day 3 - Traction 1 Meetings (Lauren) Day 3 - Traction 2 Marketing (Anf) Why was that your least favourite session?Were the work sessions too long, too short, or just about right? Much too long Too long About right Too short Much too short Any general notes about the sessions in terms of how we ran them? Did you find the retreat beneficial and why?What could we do differently to improve the retreat next time?Would you like to attend a retreat in the future and why?Name First Last Δ